Compared to the Premier 3 in 1, Freedom and Similar Designs

Lot's of people ask us how we compare to the Premier/ PetSafe 3:1, which is a direct copy of the Freedom.

Before we go on a direct comparison of all the buckles, rings, and sliders which turns harnesses into contraptions that chafe dogs, etc... let's talk about the concept of 3:1. Which is really a 2:1, because it let's you walk from the front, or the back... Or put your dog in a car with a car tether... which .... umm... is something all harness do. Even collars do that.

Maybe we should call collars 2:1's? (NO! never attach your dog by it's collar to a car tether. In fact, never walk your dog like that either - see why vets hate everything about it here Collars are for licenses, etc. In fact, get a collar... embroidered with your mobile phone number so that in case your dog is out wandering, people don't have to put their face next to your dog’s toothy snout to look at a teeny name tag with even teenier print).

Speaking about wandering.. where was I. Right...the 3:1. Which is a direct steal of the Freedom harness, yet with Premier/PetSafe's "We need to also hurt the dog with a squeezy device" technology on it. What are they thinking. And they also don't give you the nifty two snapbolt leash like Freedom gives you. Cheapskates. 

Yet, what is the 3:1 good for. And there is The Rub (we will get to the actual Rub that in a minute). It is trying to be all things to all humans (dogs don't care)... yet, like a Spork, it really isn't designed to be a great front-leader, nor a great back-attached harness. So it does both - sort of mediocre. Like a spork - which sucks as a spoon and sucks as a fork. Adults use spoons when they need spoons, and forks when they need forks,. Even if they were made of silver, they would still suck. And while I love my Swiss army knife, I only carry it in my back pack in case of emergency - because it is light and has a lot of different blades and stuff. Yet would I ever want to use it as my knife, scissors or screwdriver? Never. Although, gotta love that toothpick. 

And that is the point  - the 3:1 isn't really great at anything. I do 'get' that the 3:1 might be a convenience during training - where you are in a variety of situations and thus having this multitool at your disposal might be a nice thing. During training...for specifics applications. 

It's funny isn't it - we have forks, knives and spoons. In fact, we often have many different kinds of forks, knives and spoons... And we have different shoes for different purposes - sneakers, work boots, dancing shoes, slippers.... yet we want our dog’s harness to be all things for all situations. What’s that about?! 😉






