Program Support

Please use these images below for your own site.

You can also copy and paste the images from any of our pages, like the products pages. You can also use them 'directly': to discover their URL either a) right clicking them and Open them in a new tab  or b)right click them and Copy the URL. 

If want to re-proportion images in the codes below, make sure that the width and height are kept in the same ratio. e.g. 240 x 50 can be adjusted to 192 x 40, or 120 x 25, etc. 

Affiliates please note: Where it reads <a href=""> you would substitute your long URL in place of E.g. if your Affiliate URL was  Your a href would read <a href=""> Remember to make sure that you have the quotes around your URL.

To add the logo image above and link to our site, just copy and paste the HTML below:

To add the image above and link to our site, just copy and paste the HTML below:
