Compared to Humans (the biggest issue)

The danger of walking tools in general
Perhaps we should call this info "The danger of Humans in general". 

We are big fans of training. Creating a relationship with your best friend.

Walk Your Dog With Love harnesses are one of the many tools available to help humans have a better experience while walking a dog. No, it’s not a substitute for training. No tool is. Yet, these tools are as close to training as many people are going to get. According to some studies, only 3-5% of dog guardians are aware that training is a good idea, and even less actually train their dog. Ugg

Walk Your Dog With Love is a simple tool that helps makes walks better for 99% of the dogs and humans
It requires no training to use and can be used by anyone
It simply works because leading from the front is ‘the magic’

click for how that works

Humans and Knowledge don't mix
The main issue with most of the dog training tools is that they require knowledge to know how to use them. Martingale collars, slip leads, choker chains,  prongs, snout loops, double attachment fronty-backy attached harnesses... they all require a human that knows how to use them. In some cases, they can even hurt the dog if an untrained humans uses them.

And that is where the rub is. Trained humans are hard to come by.

Sure, taking a training course to that shows how to use the tool is great. Yet 2 weeks after the course (heck, two minutes after they leave training) a human starts to unlearn and modify everything they have learned.

How many people go on a diet, yet ‘modify’ it. I need to have pizza on Fridays. That’s why every dog trainers knows "it isn’t the dog that needs training – it’s the humans:. No, it doesn't make humans bad, it's just how humans are.

Those few humans that don’t forget how to use the walking tools or that don't modify how to use them... are usually also the people who decide to become dog trainers themselves! True story. .

Humans . . . and their family and friends
In addition to our trained  - yet fast forgetting - human, let’s remember that they are the tip of the iceberg for people who likely will be walking the dog: spouses, kids, parents, boy/girl friends, dog walkers, etc. None of whom have been trained on how to use the tools. For instance, how many humans who use a "simple" choker chain on their dog have any idea what the famous - and very important - p & q settings are all about?

Thus, the human user is the biggest issue with any walking tool  - before addressing the specific issues of the damage that some of these tools cause, even with experienced and trained users

As you might have guessed, we are not fans of walking a dog by the throat for many reasons. See why vets hate it here  If a dog can be loose leash trained with a collar, it can also be loose leash trained in a harness. Weirdly enough, not all harnesses are off a dog's neck. What's that about? 
