Big Dog Testimonials


I currently walk four Danes daily. I read the reviews and thought it may a bit hyped up. My order arrived today so I got to try it on one of my male Danes on the walk. I was surprised how well it works. And good lookin' too with the lead. No problems even on release and run. I have owned big dogs for thirty+ years and your product is everything you say. Of course, my three other Danes are a little envious so I'll be ordering again real soon. Thank you for marketing a great product. I'll be back!

S Z , Hanover PA 6/6/2018

I love...and I mean LOVE your dog harness! Of the six large dogs we have, we have two "pullers". I have a Newfoundland Mix and a Siberian Husky, both of which are impossible to walk together since they pull so badly. We tried everything. We used body harnesses and choke collars and still my husband of 6'2" and 270 # still had to lean back just to try to not get pulled onto his face. We ordered your harness and the very first use, the walk was a total pleasure. No more pulling, no more us trying to lean back while Shiloh or Crystal pulls us's just a pleasant exercise now! We have six dogs and up until we received your harness it was virtually impossible to walk them all at once. Now, I can! Truly remarkable. We'll be ordering two more for the small two dogs, Puddie and Scout. Thank you so much for your wonderful product! I truly appreciate it more than you'll ever know!

Michelle MacNeil 1/2/2010

 This is an AMAZING harness! I bought the Broadband Big Dog harness for my one year old Newfoundland after reading all the positive reviews and success stories folks have had with their dogs’ walking issues. Axl is 115 pounds, a lovable pup who always wants to ‘do the right thing’ whether walking, playing with his canine and feline siblings, greeting strangers, etc. Our problem wasn’t with his constant pulling but was with sudden lunges and straining iniated by encountering his biggest fears:  bicycles, skateboards or golf carts, triggering his fight or flight impulse.  From the very first time walking Axl with this halter it has been bliss! He is so confident and relaxed, making me more so as well....I’ve been using this halter for two months now and we usually walk a minimum if 4-5 days a week - problem eliminated. Now these encounters are not even noteworthy; we let them pass on by without incident or even better, he gets to meet the nice people attached to his former foes. I’m a 63 yr old woman, 5’ 2” tall and 105# so if we’ve had this kind of success chances are others will also. Thank you thank you!

Robin Cartledge 5/15/2018

 I have a Leonberger and have the Harness for Giant Breeds... great fit and my big guy likes it!!

 It has really made a difference with training this BIG dog.

Linda Joiner, Wheaton IL 3/11/2018

And now I love walking Big Mike!

Barbara Petersen, Tallahassee FL 3/2/2018

 I have been using your harness system for well over ten years now. I absolutely love them and now, as a professional dog walker, I recommend them to my clients all the time, especially when they have a dog that pulls. I have two big dogs of my own that I use them on, in fact, I took their harnesses and use them for my dog walks, and bought them new ones.

Barbara P. Schiller Park IL 2/16/2018

 Yes, my big incorrigible Dobie can still pull, but not nearly as hard. And I like not putting pressure on his neck vertebrae, so this is a success for us.

Holly Y 2/14/2018

 Wilbur is a 120 lb white golden and he and I could not be happier with your awesome Broad Band Harness. We have tried so many different store bought XL, XXL and XXXL harnesses, and this one finally fits and is comfortable, easy to adjust and put on, and doesn't pull on any part of him at all. We are thrilled!! He's a little... heavy... and broad in the chest and nothing else fits without pinching or restricting his walking. As the goal is to increase his exercise and decrease his mass (although, to be honest, he's always been a big boy) this was a problem. Tonight we walked and walked and he didn't pull, hesitate or seem in any way restricted by the harness. And it's so bright and reflective it can be seen from neighboring states! : ) Thanks so much for making such a great product, I'll be recommending it to all the big dog owners I know!

Abbi and Wilbur 1/25/2018

 I purchased a harness this Christmas for my "granddog" who is over 80 lbs. and full of energy. My daughter would not walk the dog because there was so much pulling, even with a regular harness. My daughter would end up exhausted and the dog would end up panting and choking. I was determined that this big, lovable dog would walk properly, as both the dog and m daughter needed the exercise! My daughter used the new Walk Your Dog With Love harness I had purchased. What a wonderful experience they had! They walked for over an hour with no pulling, and both had a good night's sleep that day. Thank you for such a wonderful solution to a very common and frustrating problem. I can't wait until I dog sit and can walk the dog myself.

Louise Roberts, Dallas PA 1/15/2018

 We have a 135 lb Newfoundland/ Standard Poodle mix and he loves his walks. We took him to obedience school so walking him would be an enjoyable experience for both dog and human... did not go as planned! Jake's excitement to meet new dogs and people made walking him a terrible dragging embarrassing chore. We tried training collars, harnesses, the head harness and the list goes on. I stumbled across the Broadband harness made for big dogs and wanted to give it a try. SO HAPPY with this harness!! It truly gives myself and my husband security knowing it's durable and made for big dogs. It is not flimsy, it fits perfectly and is so simple to get Jake into. My husband enjoys his daily walks with our big brute and Jake is a very different happy dog while walking. This product is a definite 5 star!!

Hayley, Ontario Canada 1/13/2018

 This harness is really great for my big dog. She responds well, she is usually pretty mellow, but I think it is more comfortable anyways. If it came in pink camo I would be really happy.

MMM and Brownie 12/27/2017

 I am a Skeptic no more! I actually didn't think this would work, but it does. My big dogs don't pull me down anymore. 

A C 12/22/2017

 First and foremost CAN NOT live without my harness for our "Big Bruno" Bernese mountain dog. Since he's been 8 weeks old this has been the only harness used and has never disappointed!! I need to give a big "shout out" for the great customer service received when I had a question on replacement /upgrade needed for Bruno. Going above and beyond by not just replying to an email but was personally called to remedy my situation. It's what "customer service" is all about and will always recommend your products/company and will forever be a loyal customer!!!

Cathy Johnson, Petoskey MI 12/11/2017

 I love this harness. I bought it a couple of months ago and what a change it made. My big girl can now go on long walks. Thank you for this product.

Collins Family 11/11/2017

The ONLY WAY TO WALK YOUR BIG DOG !!!! Not on the neck, not on the back but under the chest. Works!

Judith Conigliaro 10/7/2017

This is the best harness I've ever used. Now I can walk our big strong dog easily because it works! Another bonus is it is far easier to put on than any other harness. Thank you for inventing this!

A Westing NH 9/30/2017

  The first time I walked Willow with just a collar and leash, I knew I would need something more effective, hence the search ending with buying the Broadband Big Dog harness from you. I have put a lot of money into pets, and that was the best $45.00 I ever spent. I'm really glad you have a chew replacement program, and it will never be in her solo sights again. She responds beautifully in this harness. What a superior training aid

Liz Sadler 9/28/2017

  They really are great for great big dogs!!!

J Hinson, Texas 9/20/2017

  WOW! Me and my husband used these harnesses for the first time on our 2 German Rottweilers this morning. BEST WALK EVER!! Our male dog (Rex) was a bad bad puller and I was always worried he would end up breaking his neck (or mine) as he is a big dog pulling me. But today he walked very good and happy instead of choking and stressed, I couldn't believe it. He didn't struggle when putting the harness on him, although I was sure he would because he would always jump and go crazy when we tried to put a collar on him, but this harness is like magic! I am going to recommend this harness to my family and friends who have dogs, because today was the beginning of many many happy and loving walking experiences with my dogs. THANK YOU!!!

Amanda 9/12/2017

  Hard to believe the hundreds of 5 star reviews - UNTIL you put it on your dog. You then think it won't work. SURPRISE - it does. My young boisterous black Labrador walked calmly beside me almost right away. I was astounded and so was he. I'm sure he was trying to say - I like this !! He has now progressed to the wider sports one as he is a big lad and it is such a pleasure to walk with him and I know he will behave when we walk along the road. I have recommended to several owners I have met on my walks. One time - meeting a couple trying to walk a very unruly Labrador straining on a choke lead - they apologised for her behaviour. I offered them my 'harness'. They said they had tried everything - !! I put it on her and her owner gently led her away. Again not believing it was possible. They have one of their own now and I meet them occasionally- she is very well behaved now. There are several others now ' walking their dogs with love' now. I gave the first one I bought to my local vet. They commented on how good it I was to see my Kylo walking gently beside me. THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY WALKS SO STRESS FREE. So simple and amazing - it is worth it's weight in gold!!

Eileen H, Scotland 9/6/2017

Thank you! This is our third purchase. Bought first one at the NYS fair. Love this for our big strong Boxer!

J VanDorp. NY 9/4/2017

  Wow, I've never seen customer service this good, ever. :) Thank you so much. I will tell all my friends about your company. I bought one of your harnesses for my big lovable Golden Doodle, and it is the only product that actually keeps her from pulling, and I've tried many other products over the years. Thank you for making such a great product!!

Casey in Cali 9/3/2017

  We have thing! Big dogs don't pull anymore. I couldn't walk my dogs without these.

Martha C. 8/24/2017

Thank you so much for inventing this dog harness. I have a Lab-Hound-Pit Bull mix who loves to pull, run and lunge towards any animal it sees or smells. To say the least, walking her has not been a pleasant experience since we got her three years ago. We have tried all kinds of harnesses and leashes and have had very little success. The most popular ones are up around the neck and throat, but Stella still pulls and strangles herself with these. Now, with this new harness- I have complete control over her and where she can and cannot go. She still pulls some but I still have control over her and that is so key to me. She is a big and strong dog and I am a shorter person, so for me to feel confident and in control of the walk, makes walking my dog a much more pleasant experience. I would recommend this product to anyone else having issues walking their dogs due to pulling. I feel so much better and actually want to get out there to walk her now!

Leilani Brown 8/6/2017

 I have a big Alaskan Malamute "puppy" and also a really bad back. This works perfectly to keep my boy from dragging me down the street and I'm able to protect my spine while walking him. We tried the gentle leader, but it bothered him too much to have something on his face. This harness allows him to be more comfortable while allowing me to maintain control. Both of us are very happy with this harness.

COM 3/31/2017

 Works just as described. I have two dogs with different walking/pulling styles. One dog was trained, unfortunately, on a choker chain. This has left her with trachea damage. Because of this, I do not like to walk her on a collar since all it would take is one distraction to make her lurch & subsequently collapse her trachea. She has quickly grown used to it and walks very well on it! My other dog is a big guy who has always been a puller. For the last few years I've used a Halti on him but I didn't like it because it would pull up and into his eyes. He walks perfectly in this harness! Its amazing how fast they have adapted to the harness. It fits well and is simple to put on. If your dog is a puller, you should definitely give this harness a try.

Kathie Grant 1/3/2017

 Our boxer puppy hates going for walks and pulls a lot so we decided to try this harness and have really liked it. We still have to pull him forward a lot to get him interested in moving, but when he tries to get out in front this helps prevent him from pulling and makes me feel TONS better that we're not constantly pulling on a collar around his neck!! As he grows bigger, we've gone up in size and will be getting the next size up as he needs it.

Steph J 12/17/2016

 We have a Great Pyrenees, he is big, strong and stubborn! I bought this leash/harness prior to trying a pinch collar. It is GREAT! It has resolved 90-95% of the issue of him pulling. 5 star product.

Sarah 12/16/2016

 Hey dog owners! I am fairly certain that I am not the only dog owner who rescued a good dog with the intention of walking every day. My rescue German Shepard is a big guy at 110 pounds and his head comes to my hip. He is an excitedly curious boy and pulls and bolts in both excitement and fear. I have balance issues, so a tug of war often ended with me on the ground. On the advice of a friend, and with great skepticism I ordered a harness from "Walk your Dog with Love." I am beyond thrilled. In my opinion every dog who leaves a shelter with an adopted family should have one of these. Most dogs end up in a shelter for "behavioral issues." This harness makes walking my large, excited "fight or flight" boy a relaxing stroll. If you want a calm, relaxed, canine walking companion - do yourself a favor and get this harness

Jan Babbitt 8/7/2016

 It's the Miracle Harness! I have a 105 lb Lab who I could not walk because he's too big and strong for me to handle. I can't even take him to the vet by myself because he's hyper and wants to be all over everyone. I didn't have a lot of hope, but figured I didn't have much to lose when I ordered this harness. It came today, we tried it out. And IT WORKS!!! He didn't try to pull me into the neighbors yard to see their barking dogs. I was able to easily keep him out of the horse poop on the road (Amish country here) I am so impressed/ This thing is worth it's weight in gold. Thank you!!!

Tami 7/5/2016

 BEST PRODUCT EVER! This is THE solution for preventing pulling. It's comfortable for the dogs and makes walking a big strong dog a dream.

KL Zimmerman 5/12/2016

Love the harness. Bought your leashes too. For our big dog we use our old leash still because it has a handle also toward the bottom to grip and hold him close when necessary. Btw our big dog does not care for the harness because he was used to having his way. Now we lead him and it is so much better.

Tanya McCowan 12/31/2015

 Thank goodness we found your Walk My Dog With LOVE harness. We ordered her a nice girly pink one, she was a bit of a big girl, 95 lbs, and people seemed afraid of her so we though pink would help her look sweeter, she was an absolute softy. As soon as your harness arrived we fitted it and took her out. OH MY WORD...what a difference, within minutes she was walking like a princess, we had so many lovely walks. We took her back to the shelter to show them how well she was doing, they couldn't believe how gentle she walked. We are soon to adopt another big dog who pulls like a train, he has been returned to the shelter twice already as people say they can’t walk him. One of your harnesses is already on its way to us. We are looking forward to the moment it slips over his head and we all set off on a great day out together. You are a genius and you make lots of dogs lives so much better. We tell everyone about your product, we hope that one day collars become a thing of the distant past as your Walk My Dog with Love harness should be the only choice.

Caroline & Simon, England  12/27/2015

 My harnesses (3) just arrived today...with no prior training, I tried them on my two big Labs and my very frisky Siberian Husky. I have a 3 way leash and was able to walk all three with slack on my leash! That NEVER happened before! They would all be pulling in different directions!

LorriAnn 7/6/2015

 Received my harness that i ordered on Sunday. I walked both my big dogs with the new harness and it was the best walk i ever had! I am so thrilled! also your customer service was great. Thanks again. I will be tell all my friends about this product!  

Pat O'Neil 6/25/2015

 I was very skeptical about the harness we recently purchased from you ...however I used the harness on my 81 lbs / 37 kg black lab (big build) and for the first time I managed to go for a walk with the dog (usually dog pulls me on walk and I break world records for walking quickest mile!) we were both much more relaxed and I have been promoting your product to everyone. The lunging and behaviour has improved and Fergus (my lab) has also started behaving better. Walking is a pleasure not an ordeal.

Vivianne Hawthorne  04/19/2015

 We are a family that has 3 dogs, a Newfoundland, a Border Collie and a "getting bigger than we expected" 6 month old stray that our son rescued from an Indian reservation in Arizona. The harnesses are fantastic and we tell everyone about them!  

Peter Joyal   9/23/2013

 Have bought these harnesses for my 2 French mastiffs wouldn't use anything else !! they’re great !! no need for a choke chain :) a must have for big dogs

Teresa Irwin   6/22/2012

 When I walked my bench English Setter Ben (he's one of the bigger English Setters) he used to pull me so hard I'd almost fly off my feet. With the walk your dog with love harness I can walk him or any other dog without pulling. It really is a great product!

Marge Engwer   5/21/2012

 I received the harnesses today, and after making adjustments for a good fit, took them for a short trial walk.  The effect of your harness was immediate!  Phoenix my bigger dog was easier to handle than before, BUT the major difference was with Lizzie, my English Pointer.  Because she is a hunting dog she wants to go where she wants to go and used to jerk me around everywhere.  That did not happen this time.  As soon as she tried to pull she immediately stopped, turned and looked at me and then we continued on.  Every time she pulled she would stop and look at me.

Marg Bird  8/23/2011

 We bought a lead from you for our Komondor bitch, Tisza, and in a word -- it works!  So we are following up with one for our big dog, so we can manage them both at once. It's a miracle, and yes, I will tell all my dog friends!

Dore Levy   08/12/2010

 We bought three of these at a show--one for us and two as gifts--because it just made such intuitive sense.  We walked our dog when we got home.  We immediately ordered a fourth harness online for yet another gift because we were so impressed with how our Lab Beau responded immediately to it.  Our dog-pulled friends are going to love these!!!  You've done big dog lovers a wonderful favor! Thank you, for your fast service and a wonderful product!

Chris and Dave 12/1/2009

 I have tried the harnesses for two days on both dogs (boxers weighing 70/83 lbs.). The 70 lb. puller was significantly better the first day. The bigger boxer is a true gentleman, until he sees another dog  -  and that is where I need the control.  I found that I still had to hang on tight but I was able to stop his advancement, which was my desired objective.  And they both love the harness as it means going for a walk.  Not like the gentle leader which wasn’t fun even if it meant going for a walk. I was previously apprehensive about walking both dogs together.

S Burke 11/12/2009

 I was  skeptical about whether it would work with my big Berner - who pulls on a leash. This harness works and is easy to put on.

Deb Richards    10/18/2009

 I Like your product and have recommended it to two people with bigger dogs. Thanks again nice product

Theresa Nunes  9/24/2009

   As an engineer, the design seems simple and brilliant. Love how it works on the big dog.

J Conidi  8/24/2009
